A review of all my replica bags from Jacky, Catty, Newbagfactory, Joy, B&S and other sellers from Ioffer. Connecting with people to educated and to avoid being scammed, when buying replica bags. I am not affiliate with any sellers. I pay all my bags with my own money and I always provide people with honest reviews of my bags and also dealing with sellers.
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
Hi everyone. My adsense on this blog got messed up. I try to fix it, but cannot, so I create another blog just like Rep Bags. I transfer all the posts and almost everyone's comments on the new blog. The new blog is called REP BAGS CHAT. Here is the link www.repbagschat.blogspot.com From now on please go to the new blog site for updates on reps and to post all your comments. I will only be posting on www.repbagschat.blogspot.com from now on. Sorry for the inconveniences.
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