Hi everyone, today I will be warning people about a blogger named Sofia Nolan, who runs the website Replicapot.com. People, please be careful. She is a scam artist. Her website is not there to help people find great replica bags, it is to promote her own online store of replica bags. I first knew about her when I was researching for reviews on where to buy replica bags or any forum that would help me. If you go to her website, which is Replicapot.com, you will see that the blog is very well put together and looks very professionally done. It seems like she knows a lot of replica bags, but be warn. It's all smoke and mirrors. The picture, that suppose to look like her on the upper right hand corner of the blog, is fake. It looks like it was graphically designed, and looks cartoon like. Sofia Nolan could be a man for all I know. What I do see when reading her blog is that she mostly ask her viewers to buy from Replicavalley.com and she said that Fabaaa was a horrible site. I knew that wasn't true and something doesn't add up. Her website looks very fishy to me. 95% out of Sofia's mouth was Replicavalley.com. I did take a look at replicavalley and got very turned off by the prices. It was twice as high as Joy's, Catty's and Jacky's. There was no way, I was going to buy from her even, if she does have great reps. ( In this case, the bags from replicavalley.com was very poorly done. The quality was bad and the stitching was off and very sloppy looking. This is according to the research I have been reading on some forums and other blog sites.) I was still convinced that something wasn't right and my female instinct kicked it. Ladies, always listen to your gut feelings, if you ignore it, you pay for it later on. I google "Sofia Nolan" and also "Replicavalley.com sucks". I was so surprise at what I found it. It turns out that Sofia is affiliated with replicavalley.com. So it explains everything and why she has been promoting that website like crazy. I keep digging and I found out that Pursevalley.com, Replicavalley.com, Replicavision.com and Touchbags.com are all own by Sofia herself and she also goes by the name Eva Knox. She censors a lot of her viewers' comments. I try writing a comment and it was never posted, but however, I did received a lot of junk mail from Replicavalley.com promoting their bags. I never brought any bags or sign up for their newsletter, but somehow I was able to get e-mails from them. Coincidences? You tell me. That is when I knew that Sofia is 100% a scammer. If you look at all of the websites, they look the same. What are the odds? I got this information by reading the comments on thereplicaguru.blogspot.com and http://allwomenstalk.com/louis-vuitton-replica-handbag-sites-review/comment-page-3/#comments. My advice is join Sofia's blog if you want information and pictures of the replica bags, but do not listen to her when she suggest where to buy replicas. To be honest, I wouldn't even waste my time.
i was one of the victim..got myself an artsy mm.no serial number wth small hole on top of the bag. i spent about $300.00. feel very disappointed. i'm thinking to buy ab FabAAA but afraid i will get disappointed again.wht do u thnk?
ReplyDeleteThank you for visiting my blog. Don't feel bad. Think of it as a life lesson. Some people got scam $1000. If you read my post on the LV Mini Lin speedy, I suggest everyone to do their research and ask questions and pictures before buying anything. Personally, I think Fabaaa is a great site to start off with. They have great customer service. If you want, you could do a small purchase and see how you like the quality and material of the item. You could also look at the pictures of my Mini Lin from Fabaaa and decide for yourself.
ReplyDeleteHihi, I just bought a Prada wallet from Fabaaa as well! This is my first time buying from Fabaaa and I'm still waiting for my shipment to arrive. Totally looking foward to it.. Anyway, you LV Mini Lin looks fabulous. My friend owes a real one and I cannot tell the difference between yours and her! Im really tempted to get one as well right now.. =) Anyway, I'm looking for a Chanel 2.55 now. Do you have any good reccommendation? I heard Jacky is really good with Chanel. Any input? Thanks in advance! =)
ReplyDeleteHi and welcome to the blog. I am not a big fan of Chanel, so I don't have any pictures of a good rep of a Chanel bag. My suggest is to research the authentic Chanel 2.55 and find out everything about it. The number of stitching, coloring, measurements of the bag, etc. Look for other forums or blogs that has rep pics of the Chanel 2.55 and if you see someone who has a great replica found out where they buy it from and take it from there. Sometimes Jacky reps is not always top notch, he sometimes create duds. It's a hit and miss, so always do research first before being too impatient and waste money. A little research goes a long way. Good luck.
ReplyDeletei always heard abou jacky's and catty's..could u pls tell me which rep thy are from? thanks
ReplyDeletevisit me here at http://replicahandbagreviews.blogspot.com/ or http://thereplicaguru.blogspot.com/ for unbiased reviews x
ReplyDeleteWaliz- I see that you have your own replica online store, so are you trying to do a drop shipping business with Jacky's or Catty's reps?
ReplyDeleteYes, I already read from http://thereplicaguru.blogspot.com/ and the person that runs that site had abandon it and she and a group of ladies are communicating on repchat, which I have no intention of joining. If you read my first post, you would know why. As for http://replicahandbagreviews.blogspot.com/, I think it's wonderful that someone has set up another blog site about reps. I'll keep my eyes open if it's an unbiased blogger.
ReplyDeleteyes i have my online store just set up recently but it is for locals.i dont inted to sell it internationally..the cost will be too expensive to maintain..hehe..do u mind? i just want to compare the prices.
ReplyDeleteand ab the repschat..i also just joining them but never posted any comment until recently the warn want to participate.so i post just one comment..hehehe..lucky i read about comments above..i need to lern a lot ab reps world.
waliz- I don't mind giving it to you. You could give me your e-mail, or e-mail me so I could give you the details.
ReplyDeleteI totally agreed. I think Sofia is just a plain white liar .. can't believed she said Fabaaa sucks, bad replica....etc
ReplyDeleteI hope I can share with you more !! I just got my bag from Catty ytd !! Kinda excited. Do U think I can post e pic for reference ??
Hi clzaa and welcome to the blog. That is so exciting that you are about to get a bag from Catty. I think it's a great idea to share your pics with everyone, that way we all learn to shop smart. You could create your own blog or if you want, you could e-mail me some of the pics of the bags you are getting from Catty and I'll posted it up on this blog, so everyone could see. I'll make sure to credit you for the pictures.
ReplyDeleteOkay!! I think I will drop u an email attach the pic soon or maybe nx weekend as this week my schedule is already packed ... Do let me know ur email or u can simply drop me an email at clzaa@hotmail.com
ReplyDeleteClzaa-That would be fantastic. My e-mail is craftress@yahoo.com.
ReplyDeleteI too almost bought from her. I buy from ioffer and got a great bag from Pinkcherry her Damier is perfect. I used to spend thousands on real bags, but now the replicas are so great you can not tell the difference. Thanks for the info keep it up!
ReplyDeleteI recently purchased a Chloe paraty from Fabaaa and must admit to being a little disappointed with the quality. Although the bag looks exactly like the original, care wasn't taken with the finishing touches - there are traces of the silvery glue used to attach the metal parts all over the leather which are impossible to remove. Nevertheless the paddington which I purchased at the same time is lovely, so I will consider buying from them again.
ReplyDeleteHi Michelle and welcome to the blog. Sorry about the chloe bag, but if you tell Joy about it I think she would help you out on this. I know she has good customers service. Don't quote me on this, but if you tell her about you problem, she might give you a discount. No harm in trying.
ReplyDeletehi its trish, so i read your blog and found it very helpful especially the guide for ioffer. joy dont have the bag i like-mulberry mitzy hobo so ill get it on ioffer i think.
ReplyDeletefound pics all over ioffer that SN has as a review on her site for the alexa. very strange. is she affiliated to that site mentioned i the review too?? its getting kind of obvious. think i overpaid for my bag as well. my review still hasn't been published on her site and wont either id say. thanks for your help:)
Hi trish, and welcome to my blog. I don't think SN is associated with ioffer. Ioffer is something like ebay.com and it consist of many sellers. I think SN just took pictures from ioffer and used it on her blog or she could use ioffer for drop shipping.
ReplyDeletetrish here,
ReplyDeleteoh ya i know i meant the site that the review was on for the alexa..bagaho...?you know which one. can i mention these sites here?not sure:)
thhat site is meant to be good i here.
Hi trisha, I don't know which one you are talking about. You could e-mail me at craftress@yahoo.com and tell me what you mean. Thank you.
ReplyDeleteHi! I've just purchased a wallet from Fabaaa to test it out. Have heard alot about Jacky, catty or Joy. Anyway of getting Jacky's site as i heard she has good chanel bags. TIA!