Hi everyone, I know a lot of people have been asking me about finding a great replica bag from ioffer.com or any other sellers. Here are some of my tips that I used when shopping for great reps. This will help some shopper pick a great seller and not be ripped off. I know this can be confusing, but if you follow my tips it might help you out on saving money and getting a great rep.
1. I type in the bag I want and I sort the listed of bags from Lowest to highest price. Do not go for sellers that is the cheapest online. Cheap doesn't mean good or expensive doesn't mean good either. RESEARCH is the way to go. From that list, I skip all the bags that have pictures of authentic bags or stolen pictures from other website. Pictures could be deceiving, so skip all the listings that have fake pictures or you think the pictures are off. If they have watermark, that is good. DO NOT BE AFRAID TO ASK FOR MORE PICTURES FROM THE SELLER OR ASK QUESTIONS. If the seller avoid that question you should avoid buying from them.
2. Skip all the sellers that have less than 99% approval ratings and sold less than 100 bags in their profile.
3. Once you narrow all the sellers that has less than 99% approval rating, look at how many of bags they sold. Pick the seller that sold the most bags in their profile. Don't just pick any sellers with just 99% approval ratings. That can be deceiving. Always read the negative feedback from the buyers. It is usually listed on the last page of the seller's feedback page. Ioffer usually put it in the last page, because it puts sellers in a negative light. Reading the negative reviews give you an idea of how sellers handle the situation when there is a problem. Were the seller able to fix the problem or they ignore it? When did it happen? Did a lot of negative feedback start popping out recently, if it did, that is telling me that the seller is dealing with problems in their own life or manufacturing problems in the factory. You should avoid it. Click on a few of the negative review and read the exchange of communication between buyer and seller. See if the seller was good at communicating and did s/he ignore the buyer's questions? If they ignore the buyers questions, mostly likely they will ignore the buyer when there's a problem in the future. Reading the conversation also give you an idea that sometimes the buyer is being unreasonable and refused to work with the seller.
4. It is also a good idea to contact any pass buyers of the bag and ask them personally how they like the bag. They might ignore you, but there is a chance they will answer you back. Questions like, How is the stitching, color and shape of the bag? Do you recommend this seller? etc.
5. Another way of picking a seller is when members from bag forums put pictures of their purchases online. If you see what you like go buy it from that seller.
6. I cannot say one seller is better than the other. One seller might sell the best LV bags, but their Chanel is not great or their Gucci is bad. Another seller might have great Balenciaga bag, but not Hermes. My advice is buy from the seller according to their specialty.
I hope some of my tips help people in finding great replica bags. I know recently that my readers are asking me about Jacky, Catty or any other sellers. I am not being a bitch and being a seller hoarder. I do not mind sharing, which I will be doing in my future post. Please be patience. I just want to find a fair and great way in sharing so everyone could benefit.